Saturday, April 30, 2011


I have to face it... Always think positive... Sometime make me down... But I have to be strong... Thankful I've still have my mum that always be my side, give me some advices and strength... And thanks to my beloved friends that still be by my side... Pqah and Ida... You all make me smile and give sparkle light in my life. For Ida, we always fight about Korean right..hehehe... You didn't like Korean songs but I do. You just like English songs and Anuar Zain's songs. We totally difference in everything. But we can still be a bestfriend. For Pqah, we always sharing and talked about Korean. hehehe.. You're my 'sifu' to know about Korean. hehehe. And also we sharing about another things. Love every moments with you.

Huhhhhh, sigh again. We shouldn't sigh if we've got problem or hard in our life. We just have to calm and pray to Allah. We should take it as conjecture that Allah gives to test us. I had read before that Allah gives us conjecture because He loves us a lot. So, don't ever we sigh again. 

But sometimes peoples around me make me down. I really don't like when people ask "what do you do now"; "so you just do nothing"; "why you just stay at home"; and so many other questions and words they said. But honestly I tell you, if I've given choices either to stay at village (kampung) or city. I rather choose to stay at city. Why??? For me, villagers always want to know another villagers story. I didn't tell all of them but almost. But the best thing to being villager is the village have a good and fresh air and also nice view. I hope mentality of villagers will be changed. But the best thing about villagers is always help and take care of  each other. Why I suddenly talked about villagers? It's because my villagers always want to know and talked about me. If talked about the good things, it's ok. But always busybody. That's I really don't like. But it's ok, just put outside of my mind. huhuhuhu... Just now, I really don't care what people say about me. (*__^).. As I told before, just take it as a conjecture that I have to face it. So, I DON"T CARE. As long as I have people that love and take care about me. It's will be ok.

Arghhh... Already sleepy. Enough for this post. Actually I've got many to tell. But I should stop right here. May I've got a good mood to write future post. hehehe.

p/s :  Not who said but what they have said

Friday, April 29, 2011

Day 8

A picture of your hero / knight / heroine

ehemmmmm... My hero for sure Kim Jaejoong from JYJ...


Thursday, April 28, 2011

Day 7

A picture of the person you do the silliest things with

Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Seorang ibu boleh menjaga 10 orang anak. Tetapi kenapa seorang anak tidak boleh menjaga seorang ibu??? Kadang-kadag aku terfikir apa sebab dan kenapa??? Seriously aku tak faham. Kalau tengok muka orang tua aku dah rasa kasihan. Inikan pulak ibu kita sendiri. Aku harap aku tak tergolong dalam kalangan manusia yang membuang ibu sendiri. Aku amat menyayangi ibuku. Walaupun kadang-kadang tu ada jugak time mogok dengan my mum...hehehe... Biasalah kan, nak bermanja..hehehe..

Kenapa aku tiba-tiba keluar topik pasal ibu??? Ni nak cerita sikit.. Adalah sorang yang aku kenali (sebenarnya baru kenal tapi ada tali persaudaraan lah). Suatu malam ni.. Dalam 2,3 hari yang lepas. Tengah syok aku melayan cerita Postman To Heaven lakonan artis pujaan hatiku. Siapa??? Siapa lagi kalau bukan My Jaejoong. Ngeeeee. Ok sambung balik cerita. Datanglah satu family. Honestly, aku ni bukan jenis suka keluar bilik kalau ada orang datang rumah. Then my mum masuk bilik cakap emak saudara kepada ayah aku nak stay kat rumah aku. Ok tak kisah lah kan stakat nak stay 2,3 hari. Tapi seriously. Dalam seumur hidup aku selama 23 tahun 6 bulan ni. Inilah first time aku jumpa dengan emak saudara kepada ayah aku ni. Seriously, tengok muka makcik ni pun nampak kasihan. Ayah aku ada cakap kat anak dan cucu-cucu dia yang hantar makcik ni kat rumah aku yang kalau nak tinggal 2,3 hari boleh. Kalau nak tolong jaga smapai bila-bila memang tak boleh la sebab my mum & my dad pun bukan sihat sangat.

Tau tak apa jadi sekarang??? Sampai hari ni pun, anak-anak dan cucu-cucu dia tak datang tengok atau ambik. Seriously lah kan bila aku fikir-fikirkan balik. Kalaulah anak-anak dan cucu-cucu dia tu jenis orang yang baik atau jenis yang ambil berat pasal orang tua. Dia takkan tinggalkan mak diorang sendiri rumah orang lain. Sokong tak kalau aku cakap macam ni. Makcik ni bukannya jenis yang lupa ingatan (nyanyuk). Dia bercakap ok je. Yelah orang tua kan. Kadang-kadang lupa la jugak. Tapi semalam baru aku tau cerita yang anak dia suruh dia tinggal kat rumah orang-orang tua. Kalau kita sebagai anaklah kan. Sanggup ke kita letak ibu kita sendiri kat rumah orang-orang tua. Harap untuk masa hadapan aku tak menjadi macam anak-anak makcik ni. Na'uzubillah... Ayah aku pulak lupa nak ambil nombor telefon family makcik ni. Adoiiiiiii, kesian pulak aku tengok makcik ni. 

Ingatlah kita hidup ni kena dapat redha dari Ibubapa untuk mendapat redha dariNya. Kalau ibu kita sendiri pun kita buang. Macam mana kita nak cari redhaNya. Mungkin ada hikmah disebalik apa yang berlaku. Harapnya terbukalah hati anak makcik ni nak ambil makcik ni balik.

p/s : Sayangilah Ibubapa kita lebih dari diri kita.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Day 6

A picture that makes you laugh

Two of my nieces that always do what ever they want without think where they are... This pictures make me laugh every time I see it... Hehehehe... 

dizziness to select items

In the middle of a lot of peoples 

Thursday, April 7, 2011


A picture of something you love


I love beach forever. The place that make me feel better...hehehe... The place that I release my stress and tension....


Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Get some dizzy... Actually I wanna share my new niece.. Today is second day of birth... Born with weight 2.84kg... But she's really good... Never cry...When we stare at her, she just stare back at us... wahhhhhh!!! so nice baby... Hehehe... Name??? Still in discussion... hehehe.. Don't know wanna put what kind of name... hehehe...


p/s : I really like baby....(*______^)......

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