emmmmmmmm.... Quite upset when TRW lost against Terengganu last Saturday night. Tapi adat permainanlah kan. Ada yang menang dan ada yang kalah. Tapi tidak adil kalau penyokong menyalahkan Daudsu. Bukan salah dia pun. Dah memang nasib nak kalah dan tidak ada rezeki. Just accept it. Kalau nak diikutkan cara permainan Daudsu lagi menyerlah daripada pemain lain. Dia ke kiri, ke kanan, naik atas, turun bawah. Boleh dikatakan satu padang bola tu dia tibai. Betapa semangatnya dia. Tapi macam saya bagitau tadi kan. Dah memang no luck. So TRW kalah jugak. It's okay. We still have two cup (Piala Liga Super & Piala Malaysia). Hope the players do a good job. And hope TRW be a winner. GOMO QELATE GOMO!!!! But that night, really proud of fans. Penyokong TRW sangat-sangat berdisiplin. Tiada sebarang kerosakan atau kemalangan yang tidak diingini. Tapi ada jugak la news paper yang highlight kan mengatakan peminat Kelantan ambik tempat media. Adoiiiiiiii... Perlukah ia diperbesarkan tajuknya??? Tapi biasalah kan. Kelantan ni selalu dihina dan dikatakan teruk. Biarlah apa orang kata. Yang penting kita tidak seperti yang diperkatakan.
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Meme tak dok rezeki |
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Wajah kekecewaan pemain TRW & wajah ceria pemain Terengganu |
Last night final Akademi Fantasia. As I predicted, Hazama will win. Actually he should in Akademi Fantasia 4 years ago. Maybe just now is his luck and rezeki. Actually AF9 is the last AF. No more AF after this. I really like AF before. I really like AF1 & AF2. But this AF9 quite boring and not interested. I'm just watching the students that I like, Hazama and Lena. Even though I'm quite 'cuak' with Lena, but her voice is so power. Talking about AF9 remains me about Erul. Last night watching Trek Selebriti, you know what some of Erul's fans said. They said that Erul's face is like Lee Min Ho. Omoooo... Omooo... Jebal. I can't accept it. How people can do comparison that very so far and so different at all.
huhhhhhhhh... Just thinking about my application to further my study. Still have to find supervisor. My friend just ask Dr. Fatah. My Practical supervisor when I was degree. He ask me to meet him this week. But I didn't call him yet. He so busy right now. I'm try to calling him soon. Or should I just go to UMT??? mmmm, but I already ask Pqah to accompany me tomorrow to go to UMT. kakakaka... So, I should go to UMT as soon as possible. My mom also want me to settle this thing as soon as possible.
Yesterday I watching Nona. And there's got Cikgu Syida. I'm so sure so many people know about her. The person that always do miming video at Youtube. You know what. Before this I think she crazy and do not have moral as a teacher. But after watching her at Nona yesterday, it's change my perception about her. For me she is really dedicated teacher. And if people ask me what should a teacher do to make students interested in class. I will answer, a teacher should follow the way Cikgu Syida teaching. She is really dedicated and got soul in her teaching. I'm adore her now. Not because of her video, but because the way that she teaching her students.
p/s : Be honest with what we do.

jadi ko x ni esok ni?