Long time not blogging. By the way, today I went to KB. Foremost, I went to clinic to brought my mum, my niece and nephew. With us also my sister-in-law. After we went clinic, we decide to go to KBMALL. Just to round and window shopping. Nothing interesting for me. But there have many promotion. What make me interested is the T-Shirt. wow, that is so nice. I like it. But when look at the price I've canceled to but it. Not too expensive, RM79.90. But for my condition now, that number is too high. hehehe. Hope the price will down and have discount after this. Actually it's new arrival. That's why no discount. I forgot to snap that T-Shirt. Will do after this when I go KBMALL again. (*___^)
The way went back home, we stop at Nasi Abe Mie (Food Shop). At that time, my niece need to go to toilet so her mum brought her then I stay with my nephew (2 years) to order. My nephew cried so loud and I don't know what to do because that time I already at front of queue. You know what happen.
Waitress: Yes sis, what do you want?
Me: Seven packets of rice, all chickens drumstick please.
Waitress: We can't give you all drumstick. (sound that she not satisfied with my request and sound like want to angry)
Me: Why not? Why it's can before this??? (with slow tone, usual tone actually)
Waitress: Sorry sis, do you angry with me. I don't tell that I can't give you. But I will give you if have.
Me: Yeahhh.. It's okay.
I just thinking. I didn't angry at her anyway. Why she think I angry at her. And my tone as usual. Not too high. Maybe my face expression look like I angry because my nephew got cried so loud that time. But until now I still thinking, did my face look like I'm in angry. And that waitress looks like afraid with me. Do my face look like so angry? I just remembered that some of my friends told me before that my face look like a grumpy person. Did I? can someone tell me the truth... Pqah, please help me. Jebal....
p/s : Just be yourself

hahaha, no lah. ur usual face is not an angry face, tp kot2 masa Min talked to her muka hangin kot xDDDD
ReplyDelete2 lah..haishhhhh....mula2 x hangin..tp bila dio tnya kak maroh ko..tba2 I rasa hangin...hehe..tp sabor je lah...