Friday, August 26, 2011
"Kaum lelaki itu adalah pemimpin dan pengawal yang bertanggungjawab terhadap kaum perempuan, oleh kerana Allah S.W.T. telah melebihkan orang-orang lelaki (dengan beberapa keistimewaan) atas orang-orang perempuan, dan juga kerana orang-orang lelaki telah membelanjakan (memberi nafkah) sebahagian dari harta mereka, maka perempuan-perempuan yang soleh itu ialah orang yang taat (kepada Allah S.W.T. dan suaminya), dan yang memelihara (kehormatan dirinya dan apa jua yang wajib dipelihara) ketika suaminya tiada bersamanya, dengan pemeliharaan Allah dan pertolongannya..." - Surah An-Nisa' ayat 34

Tuesday, August 16, 2011
So touching
Long time I'm not blogging. Actually, I have no idea to blogging. I've just watching Star King episode 47. That is so touching until make me cry a lot. My tears down like rain. Can't count how much. A wife also a mother for of two sons get sick. I'm not sure about her disease because I watch it in the middle of the programme. Her name is Byun Hye Jung. She can't walk. What make me touching is the care from her husband and her sons. How much they love her. Her husband still faithful with her even she got that disease since 8 years ago. Her sons cried a lot under the stage when saw her laugh and big smile. She is really fan of Eun Ji Won (2 Days 1 Night host). Eun Ji Won sang a song to her. That make her laughing and smile. When the host, Kang Hodong ask her son why he cried a lot. He said "I've never ever seen my mother's big smile and laughing like this". Everybody in the studio really cried a lot. Also as me. My tears down likes rain. After that, Byun Hye Jung give an advise for the mothers outside. She said "Love your child as they even she/he is not excellent". And for the last, she read the letter for her husband. She apologise to her husband because of her condition. Apologise because can't make her husband's dream come true to live at seaside and live happy together. Wahhhh, it's so touching. (T___T)
That make me thinking, I'm very lucky. Even before I've got Thyroid disease. Is not much suffer as her. She's really really strong. At past, I always ask myself. Why I always got sick??? Why I've got Thyroid disease??? Just now I realize. I'm so lucky. Many people out there get more sick than me. What I've to do is just thankful to Allah that I'm still alive until now. Thanks God.
Until now I'm just doing nothing. Just waiting to my offer letter from UMT. Maybe next week I'll get it. Quite nervous to further my study. But I will do my best. Hope everything doing fine. Just settle about rent house. I will stay with my course-mate (4 person include me). Actually I'm not know them yet. Just known by my friend.
Owhhhh, about the Star King. I want to share that video here. I try find in you tube but it's couldn't found. If I found it. I would share at here.
p/s : Love your family

Monday, August 8, 2011
New Nephew
Good news today. I've got new nephew. But I couldn't snap the picture of baby because my phone is broken and I still not buy any camera yet. hehehe. That baby was born by operation and his weight is 3.9kg. Quite heavy. My sister-in-law still not allowed to go back. Maybe have to stay for three or four more days. Hope she and the baby would get good health.
I'm just doing nothing now. My life become so boring lately. I don't know what to do. Because now is fasting month, I'm try to close myself to Allah. Hope Allah always bless me. Forever. Just now, I'm really nervous to wait the answer for my master application. This Wednesday I could know whether I'll accepted or not. Hope I will. Just pray the best for me. If further my study is the best for me, I'll continue my study.
Actually, I've no idea to blogging. Don't know what should I share. Hope after this I've get many idea to blogging and to share. I don't know whether anyone read my blog. I just write. When I saw the feedjit, Ive some reader. But I don't know whether I should believe it or not. hehehe. Hope it is true. (*___^)
p/s : Fighting!!!!!

Sunday, August 7, 2011
Kelantanese Dishes and Cakes a.k.a Kuih-Muih....(*___^)
Because now is fasting month, I would like to story about Kelantan dishes and cakes or in Malay is Kuih-muih. Kelantan is famous with the people that really like sweet foods. Our kuih-muih is quite sweet and I really like it. hehehe. The most I like is Jala Emas. Do you know why it's name is like that. Because that kuih is like net and the colour of that kuih is gold. That's why we called it Jala Emas (gold net). hehehee.
Jala Emas |
See that, this is Jala Emas. Very delicious, everyone should try it. But it's really sweet. Another kuih is Akok. It's really be a trade mark okay. If see Akok, everyone knows it's from Kelantan. I don't know why it's called Akok. i just know to eat that. hahahahaa.
Akok |
Another kuih that I love is Butir Nangka. It's called Butir Nangka because it's look likes jackfruit seeds. hehehe. Easy right, named depend on their shape and what's their looks like. hehehee.
Butir Nangka |
In Kelantan, we have many kuih. But I just mention three of them. It's that I love most. hehehe. For the foods, Kelantan is famous with Nasi Kerabu. Where rice added with salads (ulam). I really like it. Usually, people eat with roast meat or grilled chicken or fried fish. And then have salted eggs (not sure the name but in malay is telur masin). hehehe.
Nasi Kerabu |
Actually, Kelantan have many other dishes. But what I mention this just a few and the most I loved. hehehe. To know more about the Kelantan dishes or all about Kelantan just visit this site. Enjoy it okay.
p/s : Love my hometown, KELANTAN......(*____^)......

Thursday, August 4, 2011
Today is 4 Ramadhan. Thank to Allah because I'm still alive till today to face Ramadhan. Hope Allah bless me. Before Ramadhan start, I've had vacation with my frineds, Pqah & Ain. Very nice and happening vacation. We went to Penang for 4 days and three nights. We stay at our friend house, Athiyah. Thanks a lot for her to become our tourist guide. hehehe. Love you Tyah. At there, we round,ate, shopping (almost just window shopping) and etc. Very happening. Hope be there again one fine day. Four days is not enough to round the whole Penang. (*___^)
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round, ate, snapping |
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Penang Bridge |
Actually, I've many things to story. But I'm very tired because I'm fasting (only excuse). hehehe.
p/s : See you later Penang!!!!!!!
