Long time I'm not blogging. Actually, I have no idea to blogging. I've just watching Star King episode 47. That is so touching until make me cry a lot. My tears down like rain. Can't count how much. A wife also a mother for of two sons get sick. I'm not sure about her disease because I watch it in the middle of the programme. Her name is Byun Hye Jung. She can't walk. What make me touching is the care from her husband and her sons. How much they love her. Her husband still faithful with her even she got that disease since 8 years ago. Her sons cried a lot under the stage when saw her laugh and big smile. She is really fan of Eun Ji Won (2 Days 1 Night host). Eun Ji Won sang a song to her. That make her laughing and smile. When the host, Kang Hodong ask her son why he cried a lot. He said "I've never ever seen my mother's big smile and laughing like this". Everybody in the studio really cried a lot. Also as me. My tears down likes rain. After that, Byun Hye Jung give an advise for the mothers outside. She said "Love your child as they even she/he is not excellent". And for the last, she read the letter for her husband. She apologise to her husband because of her condition. Apologise because can't make her husband's dream come true to live at seaside and live happy together. Wahhhh, it's so touching. (T___T)
That make me thinking, I'm very lucky. Even before I've got Thyroid disease. Is not much suffer as her. She's really really strong. At past, I always ask myself. Why I always got sick??? Why I've got Thyroid disease??? Just now I realize. I'm so lucky. Many people out there get more sick than me. What I've to do is just thankful to Allah that I'm still alive until now. Thanks God.
Until now I'm just doing nothing. Just waiting to my offer letter from UMT. Maybe next week I'll get it. Quite nervous to further my study. But I will do my best. Hope everything doing fine. Just settle about rent house. I will stay with my course-mate (4 person include me). Actually I'm not know them yet. Just known by my friend.
Owhhhh, about the Star King. I want to share that video here. I try find in you tube but it's couldn't found. If I found it. I would share at here.
p/s : Love your family

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