Sunday, February 20, 2011

Lee Seung Gi - Will You Marry Me (SBS Gayo Daejun 2009-12-29).flv

Whenever I listen Lee Seunggi Song, Will You Marry Me... I'm feel happy and make me big smile... I really like this song... For me, this song have very deep meaning... When I listen this song, I always thinking.... Who will sing this song for me...ngeeeeeee...(*_____^)..... Even my 8th years old niece also like Lee Seunggi.... And the song that she's really likes most is Will You Marry me... Love Seunggi... You're the best performer...

Will You Marry Me (Translate)

will you marry me
do you want to live together forever
we can sweetly love each other,
have a baby that looks like me, a baby that looks like you,
not be sick forever.. i want to live like that

honestly, i love you more
in a relationship between man and woman
they say it's better like that

i'll love you more
i'll care for you more
when tears fall and it's hard
when it hurts, we'll hurt together
i'll love you forever
i'll protect you forever
i'm thankful that i met someone as great as you
i want to love only you everyday

will you marry me

[rap] everyday, i feel so happy that
for no reason, i look forward to the next day
why why am i trembling so much
no matter how i think of it, you're my number one person
until our black hair turns white as snow
until our lives end
even if you suffer physically, i won't ever make you suffer emotionally

you're the other half of my heart
i'll become the other half of your heart
every moment that you breathe
i'll love you
even as time passes and our wrinkles grow
you and me, we'll be together forever like now

i'll love you more
i'll care for you more
when tears fall and it's hard
when it hurts, we'll hurt together
i'll love you forever
i'll protect you forever
i'm thankful that i met someone as great as you
i want to love only you everyday

you're like a light that brightened up my dark life
a house that welcomes me with the sound of stew boiling
a rain that watered my dry heart
a seed that contains the real fruit of love
a string of fate that the heavens decided
our meeting was destined by the heavens
i wouldn't trade you for the world
in my life, there's only you, forever

i'll love you more
i'll care for you more
when tears fall and it's hard
when it hurts, we'll hurt together
i'll love you forever
i'll protect you forever
i'm thankful that i met someone as great as you
i want to love only you everyday

will you marry me

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Maher Zain - Insha Allah | Insya Allah | ماهر زين - إن شاء الله

Sometimes I feel like lose hope in everything....

But I've to be strong... Always pray to Allah....

Whenever feel sad or lose hope... I will listen Maher Zain song... ISYA'ALLAH...

Yes.... INSA'ALLAH.... I will get what I want and what I hope...


Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Laskar Pelangi

Mimpi adalah kunci
Untuk kita menaklukkan dunia
Berlarilah tanpa lelah
Sampai engkau meraihnya

Laskar pelangi
Takkan terikat waktu
Bebaskan mimpimu di angkasa
Warnai bintang di jiwa

Menarilah dan terus tertawa
Walau dunia tak seindah surga
Bersyukurlah pada yang kuasa
Cinta kita di dunia


Cinta kepada hidup
Memberikan senyuman abadi
Walau hidup kadang tak adil
Tapi cinta lengkapi kita

Laskar pelangi
Takkan terikat waktu
Jangan berhenti mewarnai
Jutaan mimpi di bumi

Menarilah dan terus tertawa
Walau dunia tak seindah surga
Bersyukurlah pada yang kuasa
Cinta kita di dunia

Menarilah dan terus tertawa
Walau dunia tak seindah surga
Bersukurlah pada yang kuasa
Cinta kita di dunia



Laskar pelangi
Takkan terikat waktu...

Jom.......sama-sama kita hayati lagu nie... Untuk naikkan lagi semangat....


Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Standing on our own feet

~~~Bila resah, ingat saat indah~~~

Sebaris lagu Anuar Zain ni boleh dijadikan teman saat sedih. Hari ni rasa kosong, sedih, alone. Macam-macam perasaan datang. Mungkin banyak sangat fikir. Tapi boleh terima tak kalau aku kata. Teman saat senang ramai. Tapi teman saat susah??? Kenapa time susah kita akan rasa kosong. Empty......

Tak semua orang memahami kita. Dan untuk mencari orang yang betul-betul memahami kita teramatlah susah. Walaubagaimana rapat pun sahabat kita, belum tentu dia memahami kita. Memahami kehendak, kemahuan, cita-cita, impian, keadaan dan sebagainya.

Apa yang kita lalui, orang lain tidak akan merasai selagi dia tidak melalui jalan yang sama dengan kita. Walaupun dia melalui jalan yang sama dengan kita, belum tentu dia merasai benda yang sama. Jadi, kita tidak boleh memaksa orang memahami kehendak kita. Cukuplah hanya kita yang memahami diri kita sendiri. Jangan sesekali kita putus asa dengan kata-kata manusia yang hanya tahu menilai dari luaran sahaja.

"Hei, tanam anggur ke sekarang. Dah boleh makan ke hasilnya?"
"Kau buat ape je kat rumah? xboring ke?"

Itulah antara ayat-ayat dan kata-kata yang sudah lali aku dengar dan amat menusuk hati. Tetapi, bagi aku tak payahlah nak ambil kisah sangat dengan kata-kata mereka yang sentiasa nk mengadili kita. mereka hanya tahu menilai dari luaran. Biarlah kata-kata itu aku anggap seperti angin yang berlalu. Kerana aku yakin rezeki itu ditangan Allah SWT. Hanya dia yang memberi rezeki kepada hambaNya. Kita hanya mampu berusaha dan berdoa, dan seterusnya bertawakkal kepadaNya.

Mungkin masih belum rezeki aku. Aku sabar menanti dan menanti. Memang kebanyakan kawan-kawan tidak memahami. Tetapi tidak mengapa. Aku tidak mengharapkan pemahaman mereka. Sungguhpun mereka tidak ada di sisi semasa kesusahan ini pun tidak aku kesali. Yang pasti, Allah sentiasa bersama aku. Allah sentiasa mendengar luahan hati aku. Sentiasa mendengar doa aku. Aku bersyukur atas segalanya.

Orang yang paling rapat juga tidak memahami. Juga aku tidak kisah. As long as I've Allah beside me. Betullah sesetengah oarang berkata " Silent is better ". Ya, aku lebih selesa berada dalam keadaan itu sekarang, SILENT. Kadang-kadang ada jugak kawan-kawan bertanya. "Apsal senyap jew sekarang?". Just said nothing because I want to be silent right now. Just be ourself.

Memang sekarang aku hanya mampu Stand on my own feet. Tidak mengharapkan pertolongan orang lain. Aku berdoa, semoga Allah mempercepatkan rezeki aku untuk mendapat kerja. Dan aku berharap, aku dapat menyambung pelajaran ke peringkat master setelah mendapat kerja kelak. InsyaAllah... May Allah Bless me. Amin ya rabbal alamin.....


Salam Maulidur Rasul

Apakah maksud maulidur rasul.... Di sini saya nk share tentang maulidur rasul.... Mungkin sesetengah orang alpa tentang maulidur rasul... Atau kadang-kadang terlupa. Samada sengaja atau tidak disengajakan. Ini juga untuk peringatan diri saya sendir....

Maulidur Rasul (dalam bahasa Arab bermaksud kelahiran Rasul) adalah hari bersejarah keputeraan Nabi Muhammad SAW. Iaitu jatuh pada hari ke-12 bulan Rabiul Awal sempena kelahiran Nabi yang jatuh pada pada Isnin ( Dari hadith riwayat Muslim, 8/25 ) 12 Rabiul Awal Tahun Gajah...

Setiap tahun pada hari itu, umat Islam di seluruh dunia akan mengadakan majlis memperingati keputeraan Nabi Muhammad s.a.w dengan mengadakan beberapa acara seperti perarakan, ceramah dan sebagainya. Banyak kelebihan dan keistimewaan yang akan dikurniakan oleh Allah Subhanahu Wataala kepada mereka yang dapat mengadakan atau menghadiri majlis Maulidur Rasul.

Kita dapat lihat betapa besarnya kelebihan orang yang memuliakan majlis keputeraan Nabi Muhammad SAW, kerana bila berniat sahaja hendak mengadakan Maulud Nabi, sudah pun dikira mendapat pahala dan dimuliakan. Sememangnya bernazar untuk melakukan sesuatu yang baik merupakan doa dan dikira amal salih.

Jelas kepada kita bahawa pembalasan Allah SWT terhadap kebaikan begitu cepat sehinggakan terdetik sahaja di hati hendak berbuat kebaikan, sudah Allah SWT akan memberi pembalasan yang tiada ternilai. Seseorang yang beriman, kuat bersandar kepada Allah, ketika di dalam kesusahan dia tetap tenang dan hatinya hanya mengadu kepada Allah dan mengharapkan pertolongan dan kasih sayang Allah SWT.

Keberkatan mengadakan Majlis Maulud itu bukan sahaja didapati oleh orang yang mengadakan majlis itu, tetapi seluruh ahli rumah atau orang yang tinggal di tempat itu turut mendapat keberkatannya.

* Sumber :

Sunday, February 13, 2011

~~~Memory III~~~


Before this I promised to tell story about my third year at UMT right... So today I want to continue my story...

My third year is fully of many assignments, tutorials, projects.... And also must to finish up my Final Project.... There's deep of pressure...huhuhu...

First thing that I've to settle up is to find rent house... So hard to find it... But at last we got it...hehe... But that house is far from campus... So, I and two other friends got difficulty to go to campus.... So, sometimes we have to 'ponteng'....hehehe.... Thankfully, at end of fifth semester I bring a car... So, it's easier for us to go to the campus...

For the last semester, I've many conjecture to faced.... Always
got sick... But, like other peoples said... Every pain n difficulty there's success... The word is true... I've got a really excellent result ( for me lahhh..hehehe ) for that semester... Thank you Allah....

Alhamdulillah, Ive finished up my study already.... And now, thinking about my further study... Hope I've get the chance... Hopefully.......


Friday, February 11, 2011


Ahhhhhhhhhhhh..... Last night I cannot slept well..... It's all because of Nescafe.....\

Feel dizzy right now.....owhhhhhhhhhh......

Just want to sleep.... But I cannot close my eyes...... So how???????


Thursday, February 10, 2011

~~~Memory II~~~

Think about future

Halluuuuuuu.... Okey, before this I've already told you about my first year memories at UMT... Then today, I want to continue it with my second year (third and forth semester) story (memories)...

My bed

My Desk

Actually for my second year at UMT, there's not much memories can
remembered... Why???

Because at second year I have to re-take subject that I really don't like. C++ Programming. Owhhhh, that subject really be a nightmare for Financial Math's students. Not all, but almost student have to re-take this subject because got FAIL... Actually that subject is for first year (second semester). Can't imaging how many assignments, tutorials, projects, and group presentation per week. And all of us really done it full of our heart. But that lecturer still give FAIL for us. I really don't want to see that lecturer again. Even in my dreams.

Enough for it. Don't want to remember it again.

Okey... for third and forth semester really hard for me. Also for my friends that always with me (Kak Ina & Emmy). Thanks for being by my side. We have to walking to go to class. Why??? Because we are stayed at new hostel. So, there is no bus. Actually not really bus, yellow bus (van Sekolah). So, we just walking to go to the class. But it's ok, for exercise right. (^____^)... But, at that time my weight increased. From 57kg to 65kg. It was that very amazing right???

With Emmy

We called it ' Jalan Biawak'

While walked, still got time to take a picture

Do you want to know why all of us called that way as 'Jalan Biawak'??? Because, when we were walked, we always meet that 'biawak'...hehehehehe.... At first time, I'm really shock. But after that not again. heheheehe...

After that I'm thinking. I was really tired to walking. Then I ask my brother to give me a motorcycle. To be honest, at that time I don't have a motorcycle licence. Hehehehe... Thinking of that is really funny. At forth semester I've night class. And we are trio. So, can you all imaging it. We are just ride that motorcycle for same time at once. Funny right. But sweet to remembered.

Motorcycle that gives a lot of contributed

Ahhhhhh.... But for second year ended well. My result??? mmmmmmmm, not so excellent but just OKEY. I was satisfied with that... (*____^)...

How about my third year stories as students.... Just Wait...

To be continue..........

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


hmmmmm.... Duk saje2 ni..tbe2 ingt time blaja dlu2...Time blaja kat UMT....adoiiiiii....dr mula2 msk U smpai la 3rd aku nk share ckt pics aku mse duk U dlu...kih3...

Firstly aku nk share pics mse aku 1st year (sem 1 & sem 2)

wif my ex-roomate (Da, Haf) & Soli

Hahhhhhhhh....mcm lwk jew muka aku time nih.. hehehe.. biasalakan... muka x matured..kih3...bru umur 19 thn mase ni..hehehe... plak pics mase aku join program Survivor Laut... Ni mase Sem 1... memang ni wjb utk smua students bru msk UMT.... haaa... Korang bygkan... 3 hari aku kat sana... xmandi... just mandi ngan air laut jew... ambk air smbhyang pon gna air laut... adoiiiiii.. masin sesgt la air laut 2..hehehe...

Group Udang

Kita org dibahagikan kpd 4 group...Group Udang, Penyu, dannnnnnnnn...alamakkkk..aku lupa lah..y aku ingt group aku menang mse mlm persembahan 2...kteorg nyanyi lagu bila larut malam then nyanyi lagu ................ Alamak...lupe lg...samada Jalur Gemilang @ Keranamu memg bez mlm 2..hehe..

Sunset at Pulau Bidong

Bez....dpt tgk sunset n sunrise..wahhhhh...memg cantek sesgt r... Korg nmpak x kapal kat tgh2 laut 2??? Hahhhhh.. bygkan kiteorg kne brenang ketgh 2 smpai kat kapal 2...then panjat naek ats kapal 2... Then terjun dlm laut blk... Then berenang lg ke pntai..bygkan..memg penat sesgt... Plg aku xleh lupa..mse duk ats kapal 2 then nk terjun ke laut... Ya Allah..memg tggi la kapal 2.. Memg aku pejam mata r mase terjun... Rasa mcm nk mati pon ada gak..hehehe... Tp smua aktiviti wjb bt...huhu... Tp aku sdh coz 2 benda aku xdpt bt.... Masa climbing...memg mse 2 aku semput then kne trun blk..sdh xleh join...huhuhu...

Malam terakhir..muahahaha

Masa ni mlm last kteorg..bt2 gelak jew 2 smua..pdhal hti memg nice memory lah..1st time blaja xpndai2 pon..kalo pkai life jacket ok lh..hahaha...

My coursemate

Aishhh..kurus semcm jew mse ni..huhu

Oklahhhhhhhhh...... penat laaaaa criteeee.... To Be Continue ok x??? Hehehehe...



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