Monday, March 28, 2011


A picture of something you'd like to do again

Sport is one of the evening activities 

Everyday playing on the beach (like it)

Netball Team... hehehe

Actually this pictures was taken when I'm at GEMS ( Graduate Employability Management Scheme) at Cherating in 2009. GEMS is opportunities for graduates seeking for work. I've in this programme just only for 3 weeks. Actually this programme takes 2.5 months for training. Even I'm got quite pressure there but still have fun. Having very nice group members. Learn how to manage account and how to manage a business. I wish I were there again (can't actually)...

p/s : Every moment is a learning process. 


This is really painful. Everything that I've should go through now is really painful. I don't know when this painful things that I've been through will gone. I hope this painful would gone immediately. I pray to Allah. Please give me some peaceful. Last night I've cried until I'm sleep.

I don't know why I should be a very depressed person. I'm not this kind of person actually. But all have done makes me so depressed. Sometime I'm really down. When I'm just finish pray, I'm cried again. Don't know why this tears is so cheap today. No matter what. I should faced it. I should to be strong.

Ya, Allah please give me some strength to face all of this pain. 


Saturday, March 26, 2011


A picture of the cast from your favorite show

2 days and 1 night

Seunggi the cutest

very funny...muahaha...

My favourite show is 2 days and 1 night... Can't miss this show every week at KBS World... hehe... I've started follow this show since last year... This show can make me smile and laugh... (*__^)...

Still Thinking


Still thinking, Always thinking....muahahaha....
Byk fikir plak aku sejak kebelakangan ni...
fikir tentang semua benda...huhuhu
Bila la nk berakhir semua nie....
Hope cpt2 la berakhir...
rasa dah x tertahan dah....

Ya Allah...Permudahkanlah segala urusanku...
Murahkanlah rezekiku....
Limpahkanlah kurniaanMu...
Sesungguhnya aku hambaMu yang kerdil lagi hina...
Semoga penantian ini m'dpt ganjaran y lebih besar... 

Ayat seribu dinar

p/s: Sesungguhnya Allah telah menentukan rezeki setiap hambaNya...

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


A picture of you and the person you have been closest with the longest.

My Lovely Mom

Of course my mom. My lovely mom. She always understand me and be by my side whenever I needed.

Monday, March 21, 2011


A picture of myself with fifteen facts about me!
It's me (*___^)

1. I love my parents
- That's me ok... I really love my parents... In everything, parents come first for me...

2. I love myself
- Besides love parents I also love myself before I love another...ngeee... Can or not??? hehehe...

3. Stubborn
- My mother always said this to me... ngeeee... If I told that red... So, its must be red ok.. Just for the example..hehehe... But it's almost happened when I'm with my family actually... When with friends I totally change to be a kind of person... It's me??? (*___^)

4. Lazy
- hahahaha...... That's really me actually... Honestly, I'm a really lazy person... Believe it or not... I'm lazy to do laundry, sweep the floors, n etc(the work that did by housewife actually)...ngeeeeeee...

5. Love study
- Even I'm lazy in doing some a woman's works.... But I still quite hardworking in study... Do I??? hehehe... I think I did...hehehe...

6. Easily touched
- Maybe because of I'm the only girl in my siblings... When people see me.. They think I'm a strong woman.. Actually I easily cried... When I saw the sad dramas or movies, I easily cried U know...hehe... I also easily feel sad with some rant... I want to avoid it actually...huhuhu... I'm trying...

7. Moody
- I always did something depend on my mood... I don't know why... But this is always I do... Easily get moody... But easily back to the normal k...ngeeeeeeee...

8. I love food
- I love any kind of food (as long as Halal k). But not all food actually. Because there have some kind of things that I don't like (like fish). I not saying that I didn't eat that. But just eat a little bit.. And I also ate on the big quantity (food that I love most)... Believe it??? Just believe it k....

9. Love to travel (@ jalan2)
- It's true when old people said that who have a mole on foot, that people likes to travel. I like to hangout with my friends.. Watching movies (can't do at Qlate because there's no cinema) .. Actually to travel and round the world is one of my dreams..

10. Quite ambitious person 
- Don't know how to explain... What can I say is I really an ambitious person....ngeeeeeee... Hope all my dreams come true...(*__^)...

11. I'm tall
- hehehe.... That's a really really fact about me... My height is 170cm... I'm quite tall enough among my friends... But when with my siblings, I'm the smallest...hehehe...

12. Love K-POP
- I'm not so addicted about K-POP... But quite crazy about it..hehehe... My bro always scolded me when I'm watching Korean Dramas or Korean MV... They always said : " I don't know what happen to you and what's wrong with you... Why you so crazy with Korean." I just said nothing... I just smile... The cutest smile actually..muahahaha...

13. Shy
- My friends always told me that I'm cool... Actually those friends is not know me enough.... Actually I'm not cool.. But I'm shy...hehehe..

14. Easily mad
- Easily get mad... But easily cool back..hehehe

15. I love children
- People said that the youngest in sibling doesn't like child... But I do.. I really love children... When I see children I feel like to pinch and kiss their cheeks...hehehe...

This is all facts about me.... Quite tough thinking about this...hehehe... But when I think and think, I just known about myself...


Sunday, March 20, 2011

Thinking Again

Halooooooo friends...

Can anybody tell me how to evaluate someone??? hehehe... Means by looking at their pictures or face we will know their behavior or something about them... Can you??? (*____^)...

Actually I'm looking for supervisor for my masters... I don't know which one I could choose... I afraid that they have some 'behavior' that can make me crazy...ngeeeeee.... So, I need to beware...

So how??? Tired of thinking...huhuhu... 5 days just thinking about it... Anybody can help me please!!!!


Saturday, March 19, 2011

Always thinking.....................


ahhhhhhhh....... Thinking about challenge by Pqah...ngeeee.... But that's not the most that i'm thinking now (but that challenge quite tough)...(*__^) ...

I thinking about myself.... About my future... About my dream.... About my ambition... It's all in one...What I really want now is I want to further my study... I want to take masters... That's really my dream... I'm not a wise or clever person... But I love to study.... And I also not a diligent person... But I will.... ahhhhh, so what ever.... The main point here is I WANT TO FURTHER MY STUDY...

I hope I can... And I hope I was given a chance and strength to further my study... I'm fully supported by my parents... They really want to see me continue my study.... So, I have and I must do it... Yes!!!!!! I can do it.....

Mukminah!!!!!! Aja aja fighting!!!!


Wednesday, March 16, 2011


huhhh.... Lama sudah tak update my blog...hehehe....

tak tau nak tulis psl apa... Ni tgh fikir pasal nk letak pics apa untuk challenge by Pqah...ngeeee

mencabar minda sungguh la... hehehe....


Monday, March 7, 2011

Which one???

Between Career....Money....Life....Rezeki.....

If U choose career....
Maybe U didn't have a lot of maoney....
And also U have no life....

If U choose Money....
U can't get your ambition or your dreams...

If U choose life....
Maybe U can't have a lot of money...

So, HOW???

No matter what.... What we have....
What we will have....
And what we want...
Is all about 'REZEKI'
Where is come from???
Of course from Allah SWT...
We can't denied it...

So, we just have to try harder in what we do...
Always remember that Allah is always by our side...
Don't ever loose hope...
And always pray...
and pray.... and pray...

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Try My Hardest....

No matter what people say...
What people will say...
What people evaluate it...
Just only me knew what I want...
What I felt all the times...
And people didn't have any right to judge me...

So, please stop being judgment...
I just want the words that make me feel better...
Words that make me fresh....
Words that make me happier...
Words that make me awake...

Not the words that make me down...
The words that make me feel more suffer...


I didn't push 'all of you' to understand me....
I just want 'all of you' stop talking a bad things about myself...
Just stop it...
Just care about 'Yourself' k.........


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