Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Thanks a Lot Nik Una...... (^____^)

The best lah Nik Una..... I likeeeeeeeeeeeee.....

My First Conference - Part III

Wahhhh.. Tak tau nak kata ape... 2,3 hari ni duk melaghokan diri... Tesis tak tau kemana. Konon nk mereleasekan tension la. hehe.. Nak share sikit gambar masa conference kat Johor minggu lepas. Tapi time makan lah saat yg paling tak boleh lupa. hehehehe. Saya ni da memang food lover. So, bila tengok makanan yang banyak dan bermacam-macam ni. Mulalah mata terbeliak. hehehe... Kalaulah Pqah ada bersama, mesti lagi mangtop makan. hehehe...

2 gambar masa dinner. Nak tengok tak muka saya yang confident masa present. cupppppppp... Macam la confident sangat. Poyo je lebih. hehehe.........

Muka cuak b4 present
Okay... Sebelum present, kena isi perut penuh2 dulu. Barulah bleh concentrate. hahaha.. Alasan tak leh blah kan.

Makan pagi
Sikit je kan saya makan. hehe. Jangan tertipu. Sebenarnya sebelum p Thistle Hotel hari 2, kawan saya a.k.a my twins dah msk sdp2. Ketam masak pedas lagi. Wow, sedaaaappppp sangat2 sampai lupa nk snap pics. hehehe. Nak kenal tak my twins??? Ni dia, agak2 sama tak muka saya ngan dia??? 

Okay, tak samakan. hehehe... Masa sekolah dulu ramai orang tnya kitaorang ni kembar ke. Sebenarnya kami kawan dari kecik lagi. Rumah kitaorng dekat sangat2. hehehehe. Dah, ni nak tunjuk pics masa present plak. Tadaaaaaaa...............................................

Macam2 expression wajah... (^__^)
Confident tak??? taaaakkkk??? okay fine........huhuhu.....

to be continueeeeeee.......................................................(^_______^)

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

My First Conference - Part II

Schedule untuk conference dah keluar. wahhhh!!! berdebar-debar. Hope everything gonna be okay.

 Okay.... Wish me and my friends luck. (*__^)

p/s : Do my best.....

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

My First Conference - Part I

Forget about sad story, just open new book..... (*__^)..... Okay, hari ni bukan nak cerita pasal hati sedih ke apa ke. Hari ni just nak cerita yang saya akan pergi conference pada 20.12.2011 and 21.12.2011 kat JOHOR. Bunyinya macam la excited sangat. Tapi takut sebenarnya. Dah lama tak present kat depan. hohoho. Lately busy buat paper. Tapi takde la buzy sangat but quite stress. Hidup pun dah diselubungi FUZZY dah...hehehe. Semakin banyak dibaca, semakin banyak pula yang aku tak faham. Semakin diselidik. Semakin 'Fuzzy' pula. hehehe.

Actually, minggu lepas lagi aku dah siapkan paper. Tapi ada yang kena touch up sikit kasi lagi cunnnnn. hehehe. Ni dia aku punya paper before di 'touch up'.

Clear tak??? Nampak tak??? P. Ramlee kata kalau tak nampak pendek umur. hehehe.. Lepas bertungkus lumus buat correction and touch up and segala bagailah. Dapatlah hasilnya. Fuhhhhh!!! Puas hati jugalah. Walaupun.................???? hehe... My First Conference, mestilah ada kekurangan kannnnnn. (*___^)

Sebenarnya lah kannnnnnnn... Sebenarnya.... Sebenarnya.... hehehe.. apa banyak sebenarnya lah....Sebenarnya tak sabar nak pergi Johor. Last pergi Johor masa form 3. Dah 9 tahun. wowwwww!!! lamanya. Okay dah. Malas nak mengarut dah. Nanti sampai Johor then saya tangkap gambar banyak-banyak ek. Lepas tu saya upload. Tunguuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!!!!!!!!!

p/s : Berdebar-debar.

Thursday, November 24, 2011


Minggu ni adalah minggu yang penuh dengan dugaan. Hari Ahad hari tu. Bagi orang lain itu adalah very nice date (20112011). Tapi hari tu jugalah hati aku sakit. Dan maruah aku macam dipijak-pijak oleh seorang lelaki. Tapi tak apa. Aku just redha je. Aku doakan dia bahagia dengan hidup dia. Semoga dia dapat jumpa someone yang boleh buka hati dia yang tak dapat lupakan someone. tapi yang pasti 'someone' tu adalah bukan aku. Okay that's all pasal 'dia'. Malas dah nak fikir pasal dia. Banyak lagi benda yang aku kena buat. Paper tak siap-siap lagi ni. Tak sampai sebulan je lagi nak conference..

Dalam duk sedih-sedih fikir pasal 'dia' yang menyakitkan hati tu. Hari selasa hari tu (22112011), aku dan dua orang housemate aku accident. Seriously, memang dalam sekelip mata je benda tu berlaku. Tiba-tiba je ada kereta keluar darin simpang tiga then terus langgar  kereta kami. masih terasa macam mana kereta yang tak boleh control. Then, aku terus cakap ''Una!!!break!!!". Itu je yang mampu aku cakap. Una (my roomate) tak jumpa cario break masa tu. Nasib baik Allah lindungi kami lagi. Kalau tak sempat break, memang kami akan terbabas ke tepi jalan dan naik atas divider. Kereta yang langgar kami tu memang laju sangat-sangat. Dilla (housemate) yang duk kat belakang pulak terhantuk kat mirror. Alhamdulillah kami okay.

Tapi seriously, kami memang tak tau nak buat apa. Kelaur dari kereta dengan hati yang berdebar, ketar lutut. Lepas 2,3 second, ramai orang datang sebab diorang cakap bunyi sangat la kuat. Yang paling memeningkan kepala, sorang suh kami buat report, sorang lagi bagitau tak payah. pening kepala. Lastly, malam tu barulah kami pergi buat report. kul 11.30 malam barulah settle pasal report. Semalam bawa kereta ke bengkel. Setelah di congak dan dihitung. Around RM3000 jugalah nak repair kereta tu. Tak kisahlah kan. Janji kereta tu elok balik.

Ni pic tempat kejadian. Dalam UMT je. Orang yang langgar kami tu tak de lesen. huhuhu... Kreatif roomate ku lakar kejadian tu... hehe...

p/s : Hati-hati semasa memandu...

Monday, October 31, 2011

I'm Old Already....(*___^)

Just want to share my photos.... 1st time dpt surprise macam ni. Thanks a lot to my housemate a.k.a coursemate a.k.a bestfriends.. Pandai betul diorang semua ni. Masa balik dari kampus. Terus saya pergi mandi. Masa saya dlm toilet tu. Diorang ambil my handphone then sorok. Huishhhhhh. 3,4 jam jugak la cari handphone tu. Siap nangis2 lagi. Sampai kena migrain. adoiiiii.. Memang xleh lupa this moment. Yang paling sadis. Cari my handphone dalam tong sampah. Bila tanya my roomate. dengan selamber dia jwb tak nampak pun my handphone. Siap bagi pinjam handphone dia lagi suruh buat miss call kat my phone. At last, diorang tak tahan tgk saya dah macam orang meroyan cari handphone. Detik 9.30pm, 27 Oktober 2011(even my birthday 28 actually) bermula segalanya. Chewahhhhh, ayat tak tahan. hehehee. Ni diorang cakap

"Sebenarnya kami nak tunggu pukul 12 am. Tapi kami tak tahan tengok Kak Min meroyan macam ni"

Diorang bagi bungkusan hadiah ni........

Pastu diorang suh buka cepat2 hadiah ni. Diorang punya la tak sabar. Saya lagilah tak sabar. Hehehe... Tau tak apa yang ada dalam kotak tu... Jeng jeng jeng.... Tadaaaaaaaaaaa

yang ni ok lagi... Cuba tengok yang ni.... tadaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa......

Comel tak???? Comel kannnnnnnn. Kan kan kan...eeeeeeeee...masa buka kotak tu. tak nampak dah hadiah lain. Nampak katak ni je. Rasa macam nak pengsan tengok katak ni. Diorang ada rakam reaksi saya masa bukak kotak tu. Bila tengok balik video tu. Memang la.. malu tengok muka sendiri. huhuhu. Diorang lekatkan My handphone sebelah katak ni. Masa nk ambil my handphone punyalah lama. Because saya terlalu geli ngan kataaaaakkkkkkk itu. huhuhu. Apa2 pun, really2 nice moment la. Diorang gelakkan saya bagai nk rak malam tu. 

Best Wishes
Esoknya kitorang pergi sambut my birthday kat Secret Recipe. Makan kek je sebab kami semua dah kenyang sangat masa tu. this is my birthday kek... yang sebenarnya (mcm tajuk lagu plak), si Fateen pergi kat kaunter then order kek ni. siap letak lilin lagi. Kira surprise jgk la. Tiba-tiba je kat secret resipe tu pasang lagu happy birthday then pekerja diorang datang bawa kek ni kat saya. wahhhh3!!!! hehehe...

Teruja dapat birthday kek.....
 Nila rupa2 manusia yang buat kejutan tu.. Hehehehe

Una, Me, Dilla & Fateen
Siap je makan kek, kami semua bergegas ke airport because our senior (Kak Ummu) nak fly ke UK. Sambung PhD di sana. Ni lah Kak Ummu. Pakai tudung warna purple tu. Nice, pergi sambung belajar then ditemani husband tersayang. hehehe. Hope kami pun dapat ikut jejak langkah Kak Ummu. dapat sambung PhD. Hopefully.. InsyaAllah....(*___^)

Sebelum jumpa Kak Ummu ni. Duk busy2 cari Kak Ummu. Then nampak mamat ni. Rasa nak pengsan tengok. Sungguh hensem I tell U... Tapi tak sempat nk snap pic ngan dia. Sempat snap pic ni je. Just kelibat dia je. Kalau bleh snap pics ngan dia ni mesti sweet sangat2...cececece...hehehe.. Nak tau tak sapa. Tadaaaaaa ni dia... Fahrin Ahmad.

Dah udah la tu.. Setakat ni je ek untuk hari ni. Nak kena p jaga test my students plak ni. Diorang yang nk jawab test. Saya plak yang berdebar-debar ni. hehehe.. Ok byeeeeeee. See again...

p/s : Thanks a lot to all my friends that wish for my birthday. Really2 appreciate that.

Monday, October 24, 2011


My feeling is so excited to go to Johor. But when think what the purpose I'll be there. I'm so nervous. Now I'm trying to do full paper for my first conference at Thistle Hotel, Johor Bharu. This conference is handle by UTM. Because this is my first conference, so I'm really really nervouse and do not know what will happen. Hope everything is fine.

The most and the big problem is MONEY. The fee of the conference is RM550 (for the first bid), payment have to make before 1 November. But after that, the fee will become RM650. The last payment should be pay before 15 November... Hope Allah make it easy for me. The problem is not about the fee. It's also the money that I should spend for foods, drinks and accommodation. A lot of thing that I should think. And it's all about the money. Huhuhuhu

When discuss with my housemate (who's also go to that conference), we decide to go to Singapore also. So, the budget should be more..hehehe.. Hope our planning is going be fine. The most Important now is finish my full paper first. After that, I can think where I should go. hehehe..

So, lets start finish full paper. hehehe... Give me mood.. Give me mood... (*___^)

p/s: Do the best....

Sunday, October 16, 2011

It's really hard to faced.....

But I'll try my best....

Hope I can face it....

Thanks a lot to give me hope then leave me....

Allah is always beside me....

I can face it.....

Yes I can face it.....

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Love is Complicated

Love make us happy... 
But with love also make we hurt...

This is really hurt...

Sometimes we think he love us...
But he just wanna to play around...

Sometimes he take care of us...
But he hurt us...

Sometimes he said he love...
But that make we hurt a lot...

Hurt and really really hurt...
Thanks a lot for make me hurt...

p/s : Always love my family....<3

Thursday, September 15, 2011

I'm not busy. But I make my life busy. hehehe. Actually I don't know what should I story about. Just now I'm busy to find journal that related with my research. Actually, my first title for my thesis is about Intuitionistic Fuzzy Set. But my supervisor advises me to read about Type-2 Fuzzy Set. How don't know how to explain, and if I explain. You also don't understand.

Every day I''ll be here, graduate room. Just online. Find the journal. But more to facebook actually. hehe. I try to concentrate. But it's just be in a few minutes. But I will concentrate. (*___^)...

p/s : Just be myself 

Friday, September 9, 2011


I don't know how to start my research. Yesterday I've already meet my supervisor. He just want me to reading a journal about what I'm going to do. Just read first. Try to understand the concept. I'll try my best. But until now still don't get any mood to start my work. huhuhu. My roommate already study. Make me quite stress look at her. hehehehe

Today I just search for journal that related with my research. I hope tonight I'll get my mood. hehehe. Please pray for me my friends. Hope I will get my master in one and half years. May Allah make it easy. Amin..

p/s : Study smart and hard.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

My New World

Starting my new world today. Waiting to meet my supervisor. Hope everything gonna be okay. Yesterday got very happy news. Make my heart so happy. About what??? Just wait. I will story later. 

p/s : Hope everything is okay.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Jeongmal Gumawo Pqah, Ain & Ida.

I hope its not too late for me to wish "Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri". Dah lama saya tak memblog. hehehe. Banyak yang perlu diselesaikan dan perlu difikirkan. Sangat-sangat menyakitkan kepala. huhuhu

To be honest. Hari ni memang betul-betul rasa terharu dengan kawan-kawan saya(Pqah, Ain & Ida). Terima kasih banyak-banyak kat korang semua. Seriously, Saya dah tak tahu macam mana nak buat dah. I message Ida. Ida can't help much. But its really really much for me. Satu hari duk fikir macam mana nak settle kan benda tu. Fkir punya fikir, rasa mau contact Ain. Then Ain sanggup bagi pertolongan. Pastu, contact pulak Pqah. Pqah pun sedia membantu. Seriously saya betul-betul terharu. Thanks a lot to you my friends. I don't know what to say and no other's words can describe I really really appreciate it. All of you is really really friends. Jongmal Gumawo.

p/s : Love you friends...

Friday, August 26, 2011

"Kaum lelaki itu adalah pemimpin dan pengawal yang bertanggungjawab terhadap kaum perempuan, oleh kerana Allah S.W.T. telah melebihkan orang-orang lelaki (dengan beberapa keistimewaan) atas orang-orang perempuan, dan juga kerana orang-orang lelaki telah membelanjakan (memberi nafkah) sebahagian dari harta mereka, maka perempuan-perempuan yang soleh itu ialah orang yang taat (kepada Allah S.W.T. dan suaminya), dan yang memelihara (kehormatan dirinya dan apa jua yang wajib dipelihara) ketika suaminya tiada bersamanya, dengan pemeliharaan Allah dan pertolongannya..." - Surah An-Nisa' ayat 34

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

So touching

Long time I'm not blogging. Actually, I have no idea  to blogging. I've just watching Star King episode 47. That is so touching until make me cry a lot. My tears down like rain. Can't count how much. A wife also a mother for of two sons get sick. I'm not sure about her disease because I watch it in the middle of the programme. Her name is Byun Hye Jung. She can't walk. What make me touching is the care from her husband and her sons. How much they love her. Her husband still faithful with her even she got that disease since 8 years ago. Her sons cried a lot under the stage when saw her laugh and big smile. She is really fan of Eun Ji Won (2 Days 1 Night host). Eun Ji Won sang a song to her. That make her laughing and smile. When the host, Kang Hodong ask her son why he cried a lot. He said "I've never ever seen my mother's big smile and laughing like this". Everybody in the studio really cried a lot. Also as me. My tears down likes rain. After that, Byun Hye Jung give an advise for the mothers outside. She said "Love your child as they even she/he is not excellent". And for the last, she read the letter for her husband. She apologise to her husband because of her condition. Apologise because can't make her husband's dream come true to live at seaside and live happy together. Wahhhh, it's so touching. (T___T)

That make me thinking, I'm very lucky. Even before I've got Thyroid disease. Is not much suffer as her. She's really really strong. At past, I always ask myself. Why I always got sick??? Why I've got Thyroid disease??? Just now I realize. I'm so lucky. Many people out there get more sick than me. What I've to do is just thankful to Allah that I'm still alive until now. Thanks God. 

Until now I'm just doing nothing. Just waiting to my offer letter from UMT. Maybe next week I'll get it. Quite nervous to further my study. But I will do my best. Hope everything doing fine. Just settle about rent house. I will stay with my course-mate (4 person include me). Actually I'm not know them yet. Just known by my friend. 

Owhhhh, about the Star King. I want to share that video here. I try find in you tube but it's couldn't found. If I found it. I would share at here.

p/s : Love your family

Monday, August 8, 2011

New Nephew

Good news today. I've got new nephew. But I couldn't snap the picture of baby because my phone is broken and I still not buy any camera yet. hehehe. That baby was born by operation and his weight is 3.9kg. Quite heavy. My sister-in-law still not allowed to go back. Maybe have to stay for three or four more days. Hope she and the baby would get good health.


I'm just doing nothing now. My life become so boring lately. I don't know what to do. Because now is fasting month, I'm try to close myself to Allah. Hope Allah always bless me. Forever. Just now, I'm really nervous to wait the answer for my master application. This Wednesday I could know whether I'll accepted or not. Hope I will. Just pray the best for me. If further my study is the best for me, I'll continue my study. 


Actually, I've no idea to blogging. Don't know what should I share. Hope after this I've get many idea to blogging and to share. I don't know whether anyone read my blog. I just write. When I saw the feedjit, Ive some reader. But I don't know whether I should believe it or not. hehehe. Hope it is true. (*___^)

p/s : Fighting!!!!!

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Kelantanese Dishes and Cakes a.k.a Kuih-Muih....(*___^)

Because now is fasting month, I would like to story about Kelantan dishes and cakes or in Malay is Kuih-muih. Kelantan is famous with the people that really like sweet foods. Our kuih-muih is quite sweet and I really like it. hehehe. The most I like is Jala Emas. Do you know why it's name is like that. Because that kuih is like net and the colour of that kuih is gold. That's why we called it Jala Emas (gold net). hehehee.

Jala Emas

See that, this is Jala Emas. Very delicious, everyone should try it. But it's really sweet. Another kuih is Akok. It's really be a trade mark okay. If see Akok, everyone knows it's from Kelantan. I don't know why it's called Akok. i just know to eat that. hahahahaa.


Another kuih that I love is Butir Nangka. It's called Butir Nangka because it's look likes jackfruit seeds. hehehe. Easy right, named depend on their shape and what's their looks like. hehehee.

Butir Nangka
In Kelantan, we have many kuih. But I just mention three of them. It's that I love most. hehehe. For the foods, Kelantan is famous with Nasi Kerabu. Where rice added with salads (ulam). I really like it. Usually, people eat with roast meat or grilled chicken or fried fish. And then have salted eggs (not sure the name but in malay is telur masin). hehehe.

Nasi Kerabu

Actually, Kelantan have many other dishes. But what I mention this just a few and the most I loved. hehehe. To know more about the Kelantan dishes or all about Kelantan just visit this site. Enjoy it okay.

p/s : Love my hometown, KELANTAN......(*____^)......

Thursday, August 4, 2011


Today is 4 Ramadhan. Thank to Allah because I'm still alive till today to face Ramadhan. Hope Allah bless me. Before Ramadhan start, I've had vacation with my frineds, Pqah & Ain. Very nice and happening vacation. We went to Penang for 4 days and three nights. We stay at our friend house, Athiyah. Thanks a lot for her to become our tourist guide. hehehe. Love you Tyah. At there, we round,ate, shopping (almost just window shopping) and etc. Very happening. Hope be there again one fine day. Four days is not enough to round the whole Penang. (*___^)

round, ate, snapping 

Penang Bridge

Actually, I've many things to story. But I'm very tired because I'm fasting (only excuse). hehehe. 

p/s : See you later Penang!!!!!!!

Friday, July 22, 2011

What I've Done

Arghhhhh... So full with curry noodle that made by my sis-in-law. wah, quite long time not eating her curry noodle. So delicious. owhhh wait, sorry I'm forgot to snap the picture of the curry noodle. I'm so excited when I come back from school, I go through to the kitchen. Then I saw the curry noodle. Think nothing, just take it and eat. Really like it. Because I'm a food lover. hahahahaha. owh, talking about the school. Today I went to school because my teacher invited me and my friends give some motivation to the students that would do the Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM). To tell them that even we are from village, we are also can success. Tomorrow still have one day left. So I would story here after this about the full of the program.

Last week, I went to Terengganu again. That is not because of my further study but I accompany my bro and my sis-in-law. Actually, they do the In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF). So my bro couldn't drive. At first, he want me to drive his car but his wife cannot go with a car on the advise of the doctor. So she would take a ambulance. So I accompany her. That's the first time I take a ambulance. So worst. I stay at hospital for 3 days and 2 nights. From wednesday to friday. And at saturday I've got Exam PTD. I didn't prepared much. And I arrived at my home on 9pm. Then I take a shower then I've try to reading a history book. But I can't. But body getting tired then my eyes so sleepy. So, for the next day. I just answer what I can. The question that I don't know the answer I just tick at the best place. hahahaha.. 

ohhh yeah, when I was at Terengganu. I've got very heavy breakfast. At first morning, I take a riser combo at KFC, and also at Mc'D. Wowwww.. hahaha. The day after also like that. (*___^)...

Food Lover

Actually I writing this post to waiting to Solat Isya'. So, I will stop at here. Then as I promise, I would story about the motivation program at my old school. Just wait. (*___^)...

p/s: I'm a food lover.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011


Why I always using Sakura as my user name or something??? Before this I use Miey Sakura for Friendster account, also for Facebook. Always using this user name. Don't you ever think why I using this name. Okay, now I want to reveal why I always use this name.

The story begin.. hehehe... okay, it's started when I was at secondary school. I've had got quite addict with cartoon, Card Captor Sakura. Which the main character is named Sakura Kinomoto. I've already forgot the full story about this cartoon. But what I remember is she got a magical card. And if I'm not mistaken, she really in love with her older brother's friend. And she always use her magical card when she had problems. I really grew up with this cartoon. And I really really like this cartoon. That's why I like to use name Sakura. 
 Card Captor Sakura

Beside, I also love the Sakura (Blossom). When I was at secondary school, my dreams is to study at Japan. That the place has a lot of Sakura. But now, if I have to choose between Korea or Japan. I rather choose Korea. But I want go to both places. 

That the story why I've love to use Sakura as user name. My ex-students also ask me. "Teacher, why you use Miey Sakura as your name". I just answer that I want to study at Japan. I didn't told them about Card Captor Sakura. How could I told them about cartoon, they would laugh at me if I told. hehehe... (*___^)...

p/s : I love Miey Sakura...........(*___^)

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Exam PTD

Quite nervous thinking about exam PTD (Pegawai Tadbir dan Diplomatik) this saturday. I've had apply for this position in this 2 years. Just now I've got the exam. This saturday is only part 1 of exam. If I pass this exam, I''ll do second part, PAC (Program Assessment Centre). Then, will do Interview. So long journey. But I'm not so excited to get this position. It's not because I don't want this position, I want. But I'm trying to not too excited because I don't want to get hurt when I'm not get this position. 

So, just relax. Hope Allah help me. And I'll try my best to reading much, even I'm quite lazy. Hehehe. My ****** told me. Better you study than you just give attention to facebook. Hahahaha. How he know??? muahaha. Whatever, I'll do my best. If I've fail this time, I'll try another time. Just always try and try. Most important thing. Always pray. May everything more easier.  

p/s: I'll do my best and never give up.

Monday, July 4, 2011

What Happen???

I've never thought that this would be happen in my family. This thing that always make me afraid. Really really hope that it wouldn't happen in my family. But why it happen??? Why it should be happen??? Why it's happen now??? It's all about WHY??? I really hope this is just a dream and when I wake up I could forget. But this is true. The thing that I’ve should accept. I pray to Allah, may Allah protect both of them. Avoided from the bad things. May Allah give them the easier and true way. For the true, I'm cried. I'm not the one who faced it, but I still felt the sadness. Hope Allah give the best solution. 

We never expect what would be happen in our live. We just plan, but Allah decides. So, the only we can do is just pray. Non-stop.  Believe that Allah is always with us. Always listen to us. This thing really changes my mood today. Until now I still felt it’s a dream. But it’s not. The only I can do, I just pray and pray. Hope it will back as usual. Pray to Allah.  

p/s : Allah always love us and beside us. <3 <3 <3

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Damn It

Tiba2 plak malam ni emosional tengok bola sepak Malaysia vs Chinesse Taipei . Memang Sakit hati betullah dengan Pengadil dari Vietnam tu. Apa punya pengadillah. Tak pergi sekolah ke apa. Sesuka hati dia nak bagi 3 penalti. Memang nampak sesangatlah berat sebelah. Nasib baik la main kat Taipei. Hahahaha.. Betapa emo nya aku malam ni. Sampai dah tak tertahan dah ni. Sampai tulis post ni pun dah maen hentam je ni. Tapi nasib menyebelahi Malaysia. Dapat jugak mara ke peringkat seterusnya. Okay, lepas ni lawan Singapura plak. Buat yang terbaik untuk pasukan Malaysia. Aja aja fighting!!!! MALAYSIA BOLEH!!!!!!!

ohhhh, damn it, damn it jugaklah. Yang damn it tu pengadillah kan. Bukan orang lain k. Dah sudah. Stop melalut pasal  bola. Tadi dah settle smua pasal application master. Dah buat money order and dah pos sudah application tu. Hanya tunggu jawapan dari pihak universiti plak lepas ni. Kawan-kawan, doakan kejayaan aku. Moga Allah permudahkan segala urusanku. Dan dimurahkan rezekiku. Amin.

p/s : Be professional with your profession.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Just Thinking

Long time not blogging. By the way, today I went to KB. Foremost, I went to clinic to brought my mum, my niece and nephew. With us also my sister-in-law. After we went clinic, we decide to go to KBMALL. Just to round and window shopping. Nothing interesting for me. But there have many promotion. What make me interested is the T-Shirt. wow, that is so nice. I like it. But when look at the price I've canceled to but it. Not too expensive, RM79.90. But for my condition now, that number is too high. hehehe. Hope the price will down and have discount after this. Actually it's new arrival. That's why no discount. I forgot to snap that T-Shirt. Will do after this when I go KBMALL again. (*___^)

The way went back home, we stop at Nasi Abe Mie (Food Shop). At that time, my niece need to go to toilet so her mum brought her then I stay with my nephew (2 years) to order. My nephew cried so loud and I don't know what to do because that time I already at front of queue. You know what happen.

Waitress: Yes sis, what do you want?
Me: Seven packets of rice, all chickens drumstick please.
Waitress: We can't give you all drumstick. (sound that she not satisfied with my request and sound like want to angry)
Me: Why not? Why it's can before this??? (with slow tone, usual tone actually)
Waitress: Sorry sis, do you angry with me. I don't tell that I can't give you. But I will give you if have.
Me: Yeahhh.. It's okay.

I just thinking. I didn't angry at her anyway. Why she think I angry at her. And my tone as usual. Not too high. Maybe my face expression look like I angry because my nephew got cried so loud that time. But until now I still thinking, did my face look like I'm in angry. And that waitress looks like afraid with me. Do my face look like so angry? I just remembered that some of my friends told me before that my face look like a grumpy person. Did I? can someone tell me the truth... Pqah, please help me. Jebal....

p/s : Just be yourself

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Places That I Want to Go

Woke up early in the morning. Nothing to do and don't have any plan for today. Wanna share about the places that I really really want to go and visit.


~ Really really want to be here. Hope Allah give me chance to be here one fine day. Insya'Allah.

2)   KOREA

Autumn view @ Korea

~ The prettiest and interesting place. I really like the their culture, scenery, and all about Korea. And of course their Musics, movies and dramas. Love it.

3)   PARIS

Eiffel Tower
~ The capital of love!!! Hope to be here with someone that love me (my love). (*___^)

p/s : May dreams come true and may Allah bless me.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011


Hahhhhhhhh... Finally, I success to upload my Master proposal. So long and hard tried. hehe.. I uninstall the Mozilla Browser in my lappy then I download the new one. Then I uninstall the all program in my lappy that is not important. Wow!!! my lappy more faster now. So happy with this. (*___^). After I download Mozilla Browser, I tried to upload my prososal. Then, tadaaaaaa. It's success. So so happy.

owhhhhh, last night I open my lappy and found this video. The old video (not too old). The video that my group presentation for the Islamic Financial Management subject (Project). wahhhh, It's so funny. All members did well. But why I look so shy??? muahahaha.. I always like that when I did a presentation.

So sorry I've tried to share the video, but I can't upload it. Don't know why it failed. Maybe next time I try again okay. Thinking about my further study again. Some time I felt so scare to do master. Thinking about money, the place that I could stay, and all of things. But I hope Allah would simplify all of the things. Insya'Allah. 

Last week I went to UMT to find the supervisor. At last, I decide to make Dr. Fatah as my supervisor. So easy with him. He ask me how about my application with UKM. Then I told him is not easy for me to find the supervisor at there. Then he prefer me to further my study at UMT. He ask my idea, what I'm going to do. Then he give his ideas also. If I become a lecture, I want to be like him. So cool you know. hehehe. 

After meet my supervisor(future) I and my friend, Pqah  round the whole Kuala Terengganu Town. Not at all, but just went to Pantai Batu Burok and Taman Tamadun Islam. Long time I left Terengganu. Got a lot of development.

p/s : Make a dream come true.  

Monday, June 20, 2011


New template again.......

Do make a comment okay.....

It's okay????

or not suitable with me????

Actually I want a green template. But I couldn't find yet. But I will...


Sunday, June 19, 2011

Quiet at Night

When my brother keep watching TV. Football match actually. I didn't know that match is tonight. I'm reading news paper today that told about the match but I don't expect that the match is tonight. When I want to make my honey ginger tea (just try do it really delicious), my brother is in front of TV watching that match. I don't have feeling to watch that because I'm quite addict to online this night. Long time not online okay. That's why I'm so addict to online this night. hahahaha... (*___^)....

I borrow my sis-in-law's broadband actually. As because my broadband still barred because still didn't make a payment. hahaha. Actually I borrow this broadband because I want to settle my Masters application. But I don't know why I can't upload my Master proposal to Graduate School of UMT website. Many problem when I want to do the application. Before this I've got many problems to find the supervisor. And now got problem with the website. Arghhhhhhhh, ottoke???? Give me a solution please!!! So, tomorrow I need to call Graduate School of UMT again. I think this week I could settle the all about this application. May Allah make it easier. This evening I receive acceptance confirmation card from UKM. That is the Master application also that I did last 2 months. My application is being processed. I hope that I could future my study this year. Hopefully everything is going okay and easier.

mmmmm, what I'm gonna do tonight is..... Guess what...... Tadaaaaaaaa..... I want to change my template again. hahahaha.... I want to find the prettiest template. That I'm satisfied with. I will do. Just wait and see okay. Even I'm quite sleepy and tired right now. But I'm keep trying.... (*_____^).... 

p/s : Just keep trying and don't give up easily okay.... (*__^)

Monday, June 13, 2011

TRW, Akademi Fantasia & My Life

emmmmmmmm.... Quite upset when TRW lost against Terengganu last Saturday night. Tapi adat permainanlah kan. Ada yang menang dan ada yang kalah. Tapi tidak adil kalau penyokong menyalahkan Daudsu. Bukan salah dia pun. Dah memang nasib nak kalah dan tidak ada rezeki. Just accept it. Kalau nak diikutkan cara permainan Daudsu lagi menyerlah daripada pemain lain. Dia ke kiri, ke kanan, naik atas, turun bawah. Boleh dikatakan satu padang bola tu dia tibai. Betapa semangatnya dia. Tapi macam saya bagitau tadi kan. Dah memang no luck. So TRW kalah jugak. It's okay. We still have two cup (Piala Liga Super & Piala Malaysia). Hope the players do a good job. And hope TRW be a winner. GOMO QELATE GOMO!!!! But that night, really proud of fans. Penyokong TRW sangat-sangat berdisiplin. Tiada sebarang kerosakan atau kemalangan yang tidak diingini. Tapi ada jugak la news paper yang highlight kan mengatakan peminat Kelantan ambik tempat media. Adoiiiiiiii... Perlukah ia diperbesarkan tajuknya??? Tapi biasalah kan. Kelantan ni selalu dihina dan dikatakan teruk. Biarlah apa orang kata. Yang penting kita tidak seperti yang diperkatakan.

Meme tak dok rezeki

Wajah kekecewaan pemain TRW & wajah ceria pemain Terengganu

Last night final Akademi Fantasia. As I predicted, Hazama will win. Actually he should in Akademi Fantasia 4 years ago. Maybe just now is his luck and rezeki. Actually AF9 is the last AF. No more AF after this. I really like AF before. I really like AF1 & AF2. But this AF9 quite boring and not interested. I'm just watching the students that I like, Hazama and Lena. Even though  I'm quite 'cuak' with Lena, but her voice is so power. Talking about AF9 remains me about Erul. Last night watching Trek Selebriti, you know what some of Erul's fans said. They said that Erul's face is like Lee Min Ho. Omoooo... Omooo... Jebal. I can't accept it. How people can do comparison that very so far and so different at all.

huhhhhhhhh... Just thinking about my application to further my study. Still have to find supervisor. My friend just ask Dr. Fatah. My Practical supervisor when I was degree. He ask me to meet him this week. But I didn't call him yet. He so busy right now. I'm try to calling him soon. Or should I just go to UMT??? mmmm, but I already ask Pqah to accompany me tomorrow to go to UMT. kakakaka... So, I should go to UMT as soon as possible. My mom also want me to settle this thing as soon as possible.

Yesterday I watching Nona. And there's got Cikgu Syida. I'm so sure so many people know about her. The person that always do miming video at Youtube. You know what. Before this I think she crazy and do not have moral as a teacher. But after watching her at Nona yesterday, it's change my perception about her. For me she is really dedicated teacher. And if people ask me what should a teacher do to make students interested in class. I will answer, a teacher should follow the way Cikgu Syida teaching. She is really dedicated and got soul in her teaching. I'm adore her now. Not because of her video, but because the way that she teaching her students.

p/s : Be honest with what we do.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Nice Date

Wanna share story me and my friends went to date together. Not love date okay. Just a date between old friends a.k.a girl-friends. We are hangout together. Talking, walking, and any else. Quite fun. Long time no see each other. Just contact by phone and facebook. All of them already have a job. Just only me still don't have a job. But it doesn't matter. Just hangout, but sometime felt quite uncomfortable when they talked about their job. But I'm just fine with it. ahhh, one more thing, we are talking about married. Because now is school holiday. So, most of us got many wedding invitation. Just only us didn't think about that yet. hehehe. Just got wedding invitation from our friends, not our wedding invitation. That's really long way to go trough. (*___^)

Izzati, me, Nurul & Aisyah
Actually because now is school holiday, so the road of Kota Bharu is very jam. I'm really totally in jam when I went to KB and also when I'm going back. The road is fully of so many cars. I swear that I'm not went to KB anymore if school holiday. So horrible.

Stuck in jam

owhhhhh yeaaa, last Thursday I went to Terengganu with my friend, Nurul. She actually wanna went to wedding invitation and I wanna to settle about my future study. Actually I'm not settle yet with that. Quite hard to find lecturers to become my supervisor. Aigoooo, need to find and survey again. Need to think what kind of research that I want to do. That night we went to Secrete Recipe (me, Nurul & Kak Ida). Actually Nurul spend the money for that foods. Like it. Jeongmal Gumawo Nurul. hehehe.

Nurul & Kak Ida

p/s : I'm a food lover.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Template + Dizzy

Yuhuuuuuuuu... New template again... (*___^).....

Actually now I under pressure+dizzy+tension+stress=..............................

Don't know how to handle it. Dizzy thinking about what kind of the research that I will do... Fuzzy??? Statistics??? Financial Mathematics??? Which one is better? and Wanna do research about what??? Just send message to my ex-lecturer (final year project supervisor) to asking which one is better. Hope he will reply my message as soon as possible. And hopefully he can give me an idea.

Sleepy already... 2 hours find new template for this blog. Actually quite beautiful but quite not satisfied with it. Will find the most better after this. Hopefully.

p/s : I never give up. Always pray to Allah SWT.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011


Satu hari suntuk duk cari template baru... Ni yang paling puas hati(tak cukup puas hati lagi sbnrnya)... Nanti nak cari template baru yang lagi cun dan cantik.. Untuk hari ini.. Cukup-cukuplah... Dah sakit kepala dah mengadap benda alah ni.... Kalau bukan sebab astro kena potong. Tak de makna aku nak menghadap benda ni lama-lama.. Hehehee..

Owhhhhhhh... Semalam hangout dengan Ida. Banyak benda yang nak diluahkan sampai tak terluah.. hehehe.. Tp best jugak. Dah lama tak hangout tepi pantai. Last pi pantai masa hangout dengan Pqah hari 2.. Nampak sangat dah lama tak menjenguk pantai. Hehehee.. Anyway, pi pantai dapat release tension. That's the point. (*___^)...


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